Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Major Problems That International Relations - 1639 Words

Causes of War One of the major problems that International Relations has been trying to explain is the phenomenon of war and what causes it? War is a state of armed conflict between different states or different groups within a country. War can take on many forms including world, inter-state, intra-state or revolutionary. In order to figure what causes wars, a theoretical approach is useful to expand our understanding and perspective on the issue. The three theoretical approaches we will explore in this paper are Realism, Liberalism and Marxism. These three approaches are chosen due to their verity as well as how vast their explanation stretches allows for contrasts to show more accurately. As we will discuss later, we will find that there are some similarities between Liberalism and Realism also where Marxism brings in a perspective completely alternate to the first two, adding to the depth of the explanations. Each theoretical approach will be outlined with how their basic perception is and th en an example will be used to support the ideal. Once we have shown these examples we will conclude with why Realism approach is the best for describing the causes of war. A realist theoretical approach is probably the most dominant in the area of international relations. Realism has three main sections that it can be divided into but even with their differences they share core principles directly relating to the over arching ideal of realism. The three main principlesShow MoreRelatedA Theory Of International Relations Essay1100 Words   |  5 PagesTheory, in general has various meanings in Social Sciences, most in particular in, International Relations. That is the term â€Å"Theory† can be defined in various ways and means. Simply put, theory can be defined as a concept of explaining something. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Characters mood, themes and action of Shakespeares play Essay Example For Students

Characters mood, themes and action of Shakespeares play Essay In the year 1996 Baz Luhrmann, a famous film director, adapted Shakespeares classic play, Romeo and Juliet. He directed the newer version with the intention of making the film more enjoyable for a wider range of people, bringing different aspects of play into different perspectives. In this essay I will be looking at how Baz Luhrmann directed the play, use of more genres and other various themes and characteristics of the play. In the play Luhrmann set the play in a modern American style city to give you the impression that the play was going to be modern and set in an up to date kind of setting. We know this from the opening montage which includes various shots of the city from both a birds eye view (taken from a helicopter) and a point of view shot, I think Luhrmann did this to show you how the city looks from different peoples viewpoints. I also think that he chose the modern city landscape because many people could relate to the setting of the film. Skyscrapers dominate the city skyline showing that the city is a city over-ran with business. Two of the skyscrapers have a both the Montague and Capulets families signs on, an interesting observation of this is that the skyscrapers are opposite each other, giving the impression that they are enemies in both business terms and in friendship. In the opening scene Luhrmann has used a petrol station for the first fight scene because people usually associate petrol stations as being a high-risk place with the possibility of a big explosion with the petrol and fire. This, in opinion is an excellent place to set the first fight in that it shows that both sides of the family are prepared to risk anything to show their feelings and to get their own way. Another advantage of setting the fight at the petrol station is to get the audience excited and on the edge of their seats within the first 10 minutes of the play. In doing this he has set the tone of the play and grabbed the attention of the audience. I think Shakespeare would have opened the play like this to give the audience a flavour of what was to come later on in the play. He uses crude humour to show that the play is for more than one kind of audience, but Luhrmann has taken that one step further to make it more enjoyable for a wider range of people by mixing in different styles of comedy. He has used a kind of sketch comedy in the first petrol scene with one of the Montague boys taunting the Capulet boys with a bite of the thumb, which was in their days considered as swearing. When he bit his thumb he made a stupid face as well, to taunt Abra (a Capulet) but it also makes the audience laugh as well, again, a reference to the Shakespearean text, Act 1, scene 1, line 40-45. The main similarities between the two openings of the plays are that in both plays they both start with a fighting scene, Luhrmann has kept this in to familiarise the older play (and older people) with the newer one. One of the biggest similarities between the two plays is that it uses old English language. Differences between the two plays are that in the modern film version of the play at the beginning, a newsreader on television reads the prologue. Whereas in the stage show, a person comes on and physically reads it on stage, Luhrmann has done this to relate an old play to newer times with new technology. Finally, another difference between the two versions is that Shakespeares play is a lot more serious and proper than Baz Luhrmanns version, which is more laid back. Luhrmann has again, done this to relate it to modern times. .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 , .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .postImageUrl , .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 , .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4:hover , .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4:visited , .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4:active { border:0!important; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4:active , .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4 .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud517de4e3ffd34595dfa60b7c0e1f5d4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Portrayal of Shakespeare's Hamlet in Cinema EssayIn the film Tybalt and Benvolio play key roles in the play, Tybalt, firstly, is described as the Prince of Cats in the play, Luhrmann has done this to show that he can be gentlemanly at times, and right beast at other times, a bit like a cat, hence the name. When Tybalt is at the petrol station it introduces him, first, by him squashing a cigarette end with his boots, it then tracks up his body and stops at his head, where it stops and shows his face. I feel Luhrmann has done this tracking up the body thing to show he is powerful and to give you a good look at his clothes and the build of his body. Luhrmann has almost ma de Tybalt seems an act of the devil, with his piercing eyes and strong, stocky build, usually associated with the devil. Benvolio however is introduced driving his gangs car to the petrol station, showing that he is a kind of leader and role model to the rest of the group. When at the petrol station Benvolio is the main person doing all the shooting for the Montague side and is directing various people what to do. Benvolio is the one who stops the fight by running off, meanwhile the rest of his gang speed away in their car. Benvolio is made to seem like a hero, with is Hawaiian shirt, blond hair and blue eyes, he wears this to relate to todays fashions. Mise en scene (whats in the frame and why) is used differently in the film for different scenes. For example, in the opening montage a view from a police helicopter gives a birds eye view of the city, it also gives an effect of looking down on disorder in the metropolis below. A different example of mise en scene is when at the petrol station a mid shot is used to show there is no specific focus and the camera has nothing for the camera to be particularly interested in. Finally in the opening montage there is a long shot of the city to the set the scene and to show the rough skyline of the city. The soundtrack plays a big part in the film, the very beginning part of the movie uses a very fast, dramatic piece of classical music. I think Luhrmann used the hard-hitting music to show it was a rough, tough film from the very beginning to the end. The music used in the opening is something you would associate with a fight scene. Despite this, in the petrol station scene a kind of rock music is used with the Montague boys, to show that they are a cool group of lads. Whereas with the Capulet boys, nothing is played to let the audience hear the speech and sound effects to see what they are plotting next. The camera focuses on different characters in different ways. Luhrmann uses a tilting camera movement on Tybalt to give him a sense on mystery until you see his face, when it got to Tybalts face it froze. Whn it froze Tybalt had a mischievous look on his face, making you think he was plotting something. Benvolio, however is frozen on straight away at the petrol station, he is posed pointing a gun at Tybalt, who is out of shot. This straight away portrays Benvolio as a hero, because he is the good guy who is shooting the bad guy, a bit like a spaghetti western. The other characters are introduced with freeze frame but for a shorter period of time and with no particular pose, showing that they are not as significant. An interesting close-up was of Abras teeth, cased by a silver jaw with the word SIN engraved into it, showing that he is part of Tybalts gang, with the devil-like reference.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Instruction Manual Essays - Laboratory Techniques,

Instruction Manual The purification process: Recrystallization & Filtration Jason Williams 09-13-00 NATS 4310 Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1 Equipment involved and preparation Glassware and accessories Proper sterilization of equipment Safety precautions Chapter 2 Setup procedure before purification Equipment setup Choosing of solvent Chapter 3 Gathering of an unknown compound and the first step: filtration Collection Filtration Repeat Filtration and Cleaning Collection and measuring of crude sample Chapter 4 Recrystallization process Solvent addition Induction of Crystals Collection Chapter 5 Evaluation methods for purity Small scale test More accurate tests Chapter 6 Frequently asked Questions and trouble shooting Index Preface To begin, the intent of this booklet is to give instructional advice. The instructions given will provide a basis to allow an individual to perform the necessary task to undergo the purification process. The design of the manual is to instruct students in a college laboratory setting. In particular, the area of science that the manual will focus on is Organic Chemistry. Students will be able to refer to this instruction guide throughout the semester because this process will be put in use often. The purification process if an essential part of chemistry, and the student must recognize its importance. Without a purified product, many of the drugs on the market would not be on sale. Even though these purification procedures are on a small scale, it will provide a starting point for those who are just beginning Organic Chemistry. The skills needed to purify a product will come with practice and help from the instructor, but this manual will give the initial directions to help the studen t on purification. Once mastered, more techniques will help the student to gain a product that is pure enough to put on the market. Chapter 1 The Equipment involved and preparation The first step in understanding any laboratory process is understanding the equipment needed. Also, there is a need for the proper preparation of the tools needed before any of the steps can begin. Glassware and accessories The main pieces of glassware needed to conduct the filtration and recrystallization will be at least two 250ml flasks, a 100ml flask, and at least three 50 ml flasks. In addition, a glass stirring rod and a case of micropipettes would be useful. For the filtration procedure, a funnel with a rubber stopper, a trapper flask, and a small piece of filter paper is important to have. There is also a need for vacuum hoses in the filtration process as well. The student will also need a hotplate. The lab will provide all the necessary pipes needed to setup a vacuum and also the air current needed later on in the collection phase. Each lab will have different types of equipment, and it is the students responsibility to understand and learn how to work each tool. Proper Sterilization For any experiment to have the proper results, cleaning and sterilization is critical part of preparation. The best way to have the glassware cleaned is to steam clean the many pieces in a autoclave or a dishwasher. This may be done in advance by the instructor or the students. It is also good practice to clean the equipment by hand, even after it has come out of a machine cleaner. The funnel and the filter paper must also be free of any impurities so that it will not reflect in the result. Because the purification process is so important, there has to be a high standard of cleanliness for all the tools that the student will use. *It is extremely important that the student make sure all the pieces are dry as well or the weight of excess water will show up in the results. Thus exaggerating the final calculations* Safety Precautions Above all else, it is important to take all the proper methods to be safe in the laboratory. All Students must wear safety goggles at all time in the lab. It would also be a good idea to wear pants and shoes in case of spillage. Also, the student might also consider wearing gloves, but the instructor will notify the student if the chemicals require a student to wear gloves. It is also important that all safety related issues be reported to the instructor immediately. WARNING: DO NOT TRY TO CLEAN UP CHEMICALS WITHOUT NOTIFYING THE INSTRUCTOR Chapter 2 Setup Procedure before purification The setup for the process is simple, but choosing the right solvent to do the job is critical. Equipment Setup The

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sistine Chapel Essay Example

Sistine Chapel Essay The Frescos in the Sistine Chapel Michelangelo was an amazing painter and sculptor, who made an impact on the Renaissance Era. The Renaissance focused immense passion towards the arts, religion, and individual experience and development. The Renaissance Era came after the Middle Ages, which possessed a completely opposite lifestyle and different art techniques and characteristics. The Middle Ages was a dark, depressing time where art had very little importance outside the art in the church. As Italy evolved from the Middle Ages into the Renaissance, specific attention was placed on humanism, realism, a transformation in art, and a different focus on biblical aspects that would forever characterize this time period as seen in Michelangelo’s work, The Sistine Chapel. With Michelangelo living during the Renaissance, humanism and realism had an effect on how he painted, and what profession he chose. Michelangelo’s father, Ludovico Buonarrotiwith, was a Florentine official with strong connections to the Medici family. In his childhood, Michelangelo was constantly around the Medici household, and surrounded himself with humanists like Marsilio Ficino and Angelo Poliziano, which influenced his way of thinking. Humanism is a philosophy or practice that focuses on how great humans can be. Man should gain the most knowledge possible, and become the finest they can be physically and mentally. Humanism is all about studying, learning, thinking, and becoming better as a man. Clearly embracing the idea of humanism, Michelangelo painted every character as strong and flawless. We will write a custom essay sample on Sistine Chapel specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sistine Chapel specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sistine Chapel specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Every human painted on the walls of the Sistine Chapel has chiseled muscles, with clear six-pack chests and abs. Michelangelo illustrates how humans are the best thing God has created, and portrays them as great. The human body is considered the â€Å"noblest living form† by humanist, and humans have full potential physically and mentally. Humanism creates a universal man who is intellectually and physically excellent and who is always honorable and virtuous. On the walls of the Sistine Chapel, the realism of humans is depicted with scenes full of human emotion and expression. Embracing the â€Å"Enlightenment† by exploring his world around him, Michelangelo moved away from a static, lifeless art style to one that highlighted human feelings and movement. Realism at this time led to the later Realism of the 19th century, where the greatness of the ordinary man became the focus of artwork. During the Renaissance, the idea of expression and emotion infiltrated the culture changing the people’s way of thinking and also the art. Michelangelo’s Sistine chapel illustrations relate to Biblical stories, and show more of a natural and authentic human perspective. The new style of art in Michelangelo’s life gave him the opportunity to paint the Sistine Chapel in a very natural and real way with all the focus on man. In the medieval times, art was abstract, dark, and heavy. Art was viewed with a completely different perspective. The medieval time was not focused on artwork, and members of the upper class were not willing to pay for artists to paint. Most artists worked for the church because the church was the only one who would pay. The church wanted art dealing with Christian aspects, so most art was religious. Medieval art typically didn’t use shading as a tool to enhance paintings. The art was normally not too colorful, and was often very dull. Unlike Michelangelo’s work on the Sistine Chapel, Medieval art was not focused on human qualities. During the Renaissance, many upper class citizens had a sudden interest for art, and many of them would hire artists to paint for them. With the new interest in art, new styles were formed, creating more unique styles and new ways of thinking. With the change to the Renaissance art style, Michelangelo’s showed the body in movement, and illustrated the nature of humans. Michelangelo used new techniques like perspective and more detail in humans to make his frescos more emotional to the viewer. He illustrated characters with little to no clothing, which was not a style in medieval art. His paintings on the walls are a great example of the Renaissance art, and show the evolution, and how far art came in such a quick time. The Sistine Chapel is home to one of the most famous pictorial artworks ever made. The walls are breathtaking, and create such an astounding Biblical presence. Pope Julius II called Michelangelo into Rome in hopes to paint the Sistine chapel. He was trying to rebuild after destruction in the city, and also worked on repairing St. Peter’s Basilica. Michelangelo was hesitant to accept the offer because he was more into sculptures, but he was left with no other choice but to accept. The walls in the Chapel hold 9 scenes from Genesis, the first book in the Bible. The frescos show God separating light and darkness, creating Adam and Eve, and more Biblical stories. Each human painted on the wall shows emotion and truly represents the stories properly. Michelangelo used new Renaissance tools and a new Renaissance way of hinking to paint a new style that has attracted people from all over the world. An average of 10,000 people travel to see the Sistine Chapel a day. Michelangelo spent years preparing for this task, and drew out each scene before it was painted. Each part of the Sistine Chapel is natural in reality, and shows more of a realistic side to Bible scenes and people than previous art. Michelangelo was considered to be the best High Renaissance artist, along with Leonardo Da Vinci. With the fame he had, many citizens would travel to see his work. With the immense amount of viewers each day, it allowed for more to see Christianity in a visual way, and helped convert countless people. People would have a strong connection to his art, and grow closer to God with seeing such beauty. Michelangelo’s work created a new way of viewing Christian art, and it allowed some to put more faith in God. Pope Julius II brought Michelangelo in to paint the Sistine Chapel in hopes that it would help restore Rome to its former glory. Michelangelo’s hard work paid off with its gigantic popularity when he first painted it, and that is still as strong today. Michelangelo is considered to be the â€Å"Renaissance Man,† and used his new styles and techniques to illustrate such beautiful scenes onto the walls and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He used a very real and natural body to portray realism. He showed every character with clear and strong muscles with very little clothing to show how strong and valiant humans are. His style is very unique and different from artists who had come before him. Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel is still today a very beautiful and breath-taking scene that helped separate modern artwork from the medieval art.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pluto essays

Hades/Pluto essays Hades, in Greek mythology is the god of the Underworld and the ruler of the dead. He is also known as Pluto, the god of wealth. He is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, and therefore considered the first generation of Olympian gods. However, he was not considered an Olympian god. He was considered a Chthonian (from the Greek word chthon, meaning earth). The Chthonian gods inhabited the opposite realm from the Olympians (Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, etc) and were considered to be darker and gloomier characters. According to myth, the three sons of Kronos and Rhea - Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades - each drew lots to determine which part of the world they would rule. Zeus and Poseidon received the sky and the seas respectively, leaving Hades, who had the worst draw, with the Underworld. Hades was considered to be a greedy and unpitying god, which made him the most feared among man and the gods. He is the King of the dead but, death itself is another god, Thanatos. Hades ruled to realm of the dead alone. That is, until he became enamored with the goddess Persephone, the daughter of Demeter. Hades abducted Persephone from the upper world; Demeter then went about looking for her daughter all over the earth with torches every day and night, and during that time she did not allow the earth to produce any food for the mortals. When Demeter finally found out what happened, she ordered Hades to send back Persephone. However, before she left he gave her a pomegranate to eat. Not foreseeing the consequence, she swallowed it, binding her to the Underworld for all eternity. At Demeters arguments, Hades made a concession that since Persephone ate two pomegranate seeds; she would spend two seasons each in the upper and lower world. Demeters moods at Persephones arrival and departure is said to be why we have the seasons. Hades, although ruling alone, had various helpers in the Underworld. He was assisted by Thanatos, ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Role of circulating practitioner in and outside a theatre room Essay

Role of circulating practitioner in and outside a theatre room - Essay Example Through expertise in theatre issues surgeons go as far as seeking assistance from specific scrubs who are well conversant with the procedure to be undertaken hence its adept to train and be able to learn more while on practical theatre situation (Zatlin, 2005, p. 19). This calls for a dedicated person to carry out the roles of circulating practitioner in a theatre. As a second year student, we are obliged to practically face the situation during internship to equip us with the relevant information and skills that shapes our focus and perception of what awaits us after the completion of the studies (Waldie, 2007, p. 39). However, being an scrub does not enable an individual to be certain while handling instruments and disposables within the theatre, this could be confirmed through an incident that happened during a procedure when a scratch pad was misplaced within the theatre hall just to base all blames on me despite being innocent oblivious of the consequences that would follow should I be found guilty of an offence not committed (Wicker, 2010, p. 84). I have to ensure that all the instruments brought to the theatre are sterilized and able to perform the procedure in accordance with the surgeons’ perception being a life saving procedure a lot of care should be taken in order to accomplish the procedure. This includes a confirmation that all the people within the theatre hall are putting on in accordance with the rules and codes of ethics in medics (Wicker, 2010, p. 87).... for the instruments to be brought to the theatre hall, in fact no one is allowed to leave the theatre hall when a procedure is on (Thomson,, 2002, p. 106). I have to ensure that all the instruments brought to the theatre are sterilized and able to perform the procedure in accordance with the surgeons’ perception being a life saving procedure a lot of care should be taken in order to accomplish the procedure. This includes a confirmation that all the people within the theatre hall are putting on in accordance with the rules and codes of ethics in medics (Wicker, 2010, p. 87). Through effective procedure there would be uni-effetive patient recovery and care for instance, the instruments that are supposed to be used only once should not be re used in any way under what come may (Pudner, 2000, p. 53). This is one of the ways through which poor patient handling arises from causing un-expected complications which would be avoided through following procedural implications within the theatre hall (Zatlin, 2005, p. 24). The key function within the practice is that patient care and preoperative environment entirely relies on our practice. It is within the health and safety rules state that accountability and responsibilities under which the duties are to be performed within the theatre. Hence any fault that arises within the theatre must be dealt with beyond reasonable doubt so ascertain that the patient care is maintained within our practice (Waldie, 2007, p. 42). In the process, we have to countercheck the instruments and affirm their states before, within the procedure and afterwards to ensure that the quality of services to deal with both appropriateness and efficiency in reducing harm to the patient under procedure (Thomson,, 2002, p. 123. Disease control and management