Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Architectural Engineer Essay - 2344 Words

Architectural Engineer nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;An architectural engineer designs structures such as houses, skyscrapers, and bridges based on his knowledge of materials and how they handle forces. I. Introduction A. History B. Definition II. Education A. Suggested high school education 1. General subjects 2. Types of people B. College C. Post-College 1. Internship 2. Becoming registered III. Employment A. Specialization B. Acquiring a job C. The building industry IV. Structures A. Cottages B. Solar houses C. New Jersey Aquarium V. Conclusion nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Architectural engineers are in demand wherever buildings are being designed or constructed (â€Å"Architectural†¦show more content†¦Students are also encouraged to take courses in computer science if such courses are available. In addition, students able to obtain a part-time job in an architect’s office can gain valuable experience (â€Å"Architecture Careers†634). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The type of person who chooses architecture as a profession tends to be highly creative, curious, and inclined to propose global solutions to problems. On the other hand, the type of person who chooses to be an engineer is usually pragmatic, unimaginative, and inclined to compile data to find the best solution. Architectural engineers combine both ways of thinking to learn which way of thinking should be used in certain situations on certain projects. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Architectural engineering students take courses in the theory and practice of aesthetic design, and architectural history with architecture students. They also take courses in calculus, physics, and materials science with engineering students (Belcher 3). â€Å"The most difficult classes were those that involved mechanical and electrical engineering because they only touched on subjects that require years to master (Cox Personal Interview).† nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are several steps to becoming an architectural engineer. The first step is to obtain a Bachelor of ScienceShow MoreRelatedEssay on Architectural Engineering978 Words   |  4 Pagesspecialties, the goal of the engineer is the same. The goal is to be able to come up with a cost effective design that aids people in the tasks they face each day. Whether it be the coffee machine in the morning or the roads and highways we travel, or even the cars we travel in, it was all an idea that started with an engineer. Someone engineered each idea to make it the best solution to a problem. 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