Monday, May 25, 2020

The Effects of Television Violence on Children Essay

Thesis Statement: Unsupervised children who watch violence on television exhibit violence in their everyday lives and develop into aggressive adults. â€Å"Research shows that television violence increases levels of aggression, fear, and desensitization among some who consume it† (Hamilton). This quotation by James Hamilton briefly summarizes the potentially negative effects of television on young minds. A child’s favorite television show can keep a child occupied while the mother prepares dinner or makes a quick trip to the store. However, leaving a child alone to watch whatever show is on can be dangerous to the child in the long run. With the amount of violence on television, parents should not allow the television to†¦show more content†¦Since children’s programs account for nearly ten percent more television violence than the violence portrayed on other shows, more and more children are seeing their heroes commit acts of violence (Hepburn). Therefore more and more children are getting the message that violence is acceptable. Violence on television is made to look socially acceptable by being portrayed as comical. On television today, over a third of the programs present violence as humorous and tend to trivialize the brutality (Hepburn). Jokes are not meant to be taken seriously. Therefore, when hitting someone with a baseball bat is made to look like a big joke, children will think that â€Å"jokes† like that are acceptable. In the real world, however, â€Å"jokes† like that have consequences. Unfortunately, television does not portray real-life consequences for violence. The violence portrayed on television is committed without consequences to the offenders: When 2,693 cable television shows were studied over a 20-week period, a number of answers appeared: Perpetrators of violence were unpunished in 73% of all violent incidents. When violence is unpunished the message is that violence is an acceptable way of resolving problems. (Tischler 104) The results of the study show how children are receiving a message that actionsShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Television Violence on Children1315 Words   |  6 Pages Shortly after a Boston television station showed a movie depicting teenagers dousing a derelict with gasoline and setting him afire, six youths attacked a woman and set her on fire in an identical manner. Several months later, NBC televised Born Innocent, a made-for-television- movie, which showed the sexual violation of a young girl with a broom handle. Three days after this program aired, a group of girls committed a similar attack on another 9-year-old girl (â€Å"Wild† A20). These are justRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children1735 Words   |  7 Pageswatches approximately 23 hours of television weekly. Children spend more time watching TV than doing any other leisure activity. By the time they finish high school, most have spent more time in front of the TV than in the classroom (Strasburger, 1995). On average, a child will see 18,000 murders, robberies, bombings, assaults, and beatings in their years of watching television (Liebowitz, 1997). Not to mention all the food commercials. In today s society, the television is used for more than just entertainmentRead MoreTelevision Violence and Its Effect on Children867 Words   |  4 PagesTelevision Violence and Its Effect on Children The children of today are surrounded by technology and entertainment that is full of violence. It is estimated that the average child watches from three to five hours of television a day! (Neilson 1993). Listening to music is also a time consuming pastime among children. With all of that exposure, one might pose the question, How can seeing so much violence on television and video games and hearing about violence in in music affect a childs behaviorRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children915 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Today violence is the gold of television. Violence has become a high demand by the viewers. The more violence equals more views which equals more demand. According to Hamilton (2002), â€Å"Children are not the target of advertisers on most violent programs. But their exposure to violent images can lead to social damages not factored into decisions about when to air programs and where to draw the line on content† (p. 18). The controversial debate that television violence influence children is nothingRead MoreEffects Of Television Violence On Children Essay1722 Words   |  7 PagesEffect of Television Violence Program on Children Now more and more violence television shows appear on the screen. A lot of television shows will remind that is available for certain range of audience. Of course, elementary school student, mostly watch cartoon. However, the television production people will add violence into the show. This study aimed to demonstrate the gender-specific impact of violence-oriented television cartoons for children, and to identify the behaviors demonstrating thisRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children1552 Words   |  7 Pagesleisure 2.8 hours of television a day. There is the constant outcry from parents and teachers that children are growing to be television-obsessed zombies, or that the exposure to violence from their favorite shows are going to cause aggressive actions. But if that is true, then how is it that we as adults are able to stop ourselves from murdering everyone we see, especially if we have so many television programs with violence as a feature? The effect that television violence has on us does not comeRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children Essay1246 Words   |  5 PagesThis guest teaches your children to resolve conflicts through violence. The guest baby sits your kids and teaches them principles you don’t agree with. Does watching violence in TV is harmful for your children? Is it Ok to let the 2 year olds watch TV unsupervised? No says the American replacing baby sitters? Hypothesis: Extensive viewing of television violence causes children to behave in aggressive or harmful ways to others. Children model behavior they see in the media, she wrote in 1993. IfRead MoreEffects of Television Violence and Children3538 Words   |  15 PagesEffects of Television violence and Children Outline: I.THESIS STAEMENT: Although the television serves as a form of entertainment, when you abuse its use, and make it a habit to watch, it gives negative effects on the behavior of children especially in their brain’s development. II. PORPUSE OF THE RESEARCH III. INTRODUCTION IV. HIPOTHESIS amp; METHOD A. CHILDREN QUESTIONNAIRE 1. HOW IT CAN AFFECT VIEWER’S BEHAVIOUR 2. CHILDREN RESPONSES B. EFFECTS amp; RESULTS 1. NEGATIVE EFFECTS a. Behavior ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children978 Words   |  4 PagesTelevision has become one of the most, if not the most, used form of entertainment for all ages. Every TV show has some kind of age limit whether it’s rated G or R, it’s not always easy for parents to moderate what their children are watching. Young children are very moldable, not only by the people around them, but what is on TV. I have conducted an experiment to see how much violence and aggression are in everyday television shows that children are likely to watch. I have watched three differentRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Television Violence on Children712 Words   |  3 PagesThe Effects of Television Violence on Children According to the Article ?Violence on Television? published by the American Psychological Association at the website, ?violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch those programs.? Thats the word from a 1982 report by the National Institute of Mental Health, a report that confirmed and extended an earlier study done by the Surgeon General. As a result of The Effects Of Television Violence On Children Essay This guest teaches your children to resolve conflicts through violence. The guest baby sits your kids and teaches them principles you don’t agree with. Does watching violence in TV is harmful for your children? Is it Ok to let the 2 year olds watch TV unsupervised? No says the American replacing baby sitters? Hypothesis: Extensive viewing of television violence causes children to behave in aggressive or harmful ways to others. Children model behavior they see in the media, she wrote in 1993. If kids don t see the consequences of violence, it teaches them that violence doesn t cause serious harm. When heroes use violence it sends a message that violence is an appropriate way to respond to problems. Ever since TV has been introduced into the homes, parents, teacher and psychologists have been wanting to know about the impact of TV on children. According to the report given by National institute of mental Health in 1982, the following effects were identified in children on viewing excessive violence in TV [1] †¢ Children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others. †¢ Children may be more fearful of the world around them. †¢ Children may be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others. According to YourChild website published by University of Michigen, childen aged 2-11in America are watching more TV that ever. The website provides the following information on TVShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Television Violence on Children1315 Words   |  6 Pages Shortly after a Boston television station showed a movie depicting teenagers dousing a derelict with gasoline and setting him afire, six youths attacked a woman and set her on fire in an identical manner. Several months later, NBC televised Born Innocent, a made-for-television- movie, which showed the sexual violation of a young girl with a broom handle. Three days after this program aired, a group of girls committed a similar attack on another 9-year-old girl (â€Å"Wild† A20). These are justRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children1735 Words   |  7 Pageswatches approximately 23 hours of television weekly. Children spend more time watching TV than doing any other leisure activity. By the time they finish high school, most have spent more time in front of the TV than in the classroom (Strasburger, 1995). On average, a child will see 18,000 murders, robberies, bombings, assaults, and beatings in their years of watching television (Liebowitz, 1997). Not to mention all the food commercials. In today s society, the television is used for more than just entertainmentRead MoreTelevision Violence and Its Effect on Children867 Words   |  4 PagesTelevision Violence and Its Effect on Children The children of today are surrounded by technology and entertainment that is full of violence. It is estimated that the average child watches from three to five hours of television a day! (Neilson 1993). Listening to music is also a time consuming pastime among children. With all of that exposure, one might pose the question, How can seeing so much violence on television and video games and hearing about violence in in music affect a childs behaviorRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children915 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Today violence is the gold of television. Violence has become a high demand by the viewers. The more violence equals more views which equals more demand. According to Hamilton (2002), â€Å"Children are not the target of advertisers on most violent programs. But their exposure to violent images can lead to social damages not factored into decisions about when to air programs and where to draw the line on content† (p. 18). The controversial debate that television violence influence children is nothingRead MoreEffects Of Television Violence On Children Essay1722 Words   |  7 PagesEffect of Television Violence Program on Children Now more and more violence television shows appear on the screen. A lot of television shows will remind that is available for certain range of audience. Of course, elementary school student, mostly watch cartoon. However, the television production people will add violence into the show. This study aimed to demonstrate the gender-specific impact of violence-oriented television cartoons for children, and to identify the behaviors demonstrating thisRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children1552 Words   |  7 Pagesleisure 2.8 hours of television a day. There is the constant outcry from parents and teachers that children are growing to be television-obsessed zombies, or that the exposure to violence from their favorite shows are going to cause aggressive actions. But if that is true, then how is it that we as adults are able to stop ourselves from murdering everyone we see, especially if we have so many television programs with violence as a feature? The effect that television violence has on us does not comeRead MoreEffects of Television Violence and Children3538 Words   |  15 PagesEffects of Television violence and Children Outline: I.THESIS STAEMENT: Although the television serves as a form of entertainment, when you abuse its use, and make it a habit to watch, it gives negative effects on the behavior of children especially in their brain’s development. II. PORPUSE OF THE RESEARCH III. INTRODUCTION IV. HIPOTHESIS amp; METHOD A. CHILDREN QUESTIONNAIRE 1. HOW IT CAN AFFECT VIEWER’S BEHAVIOUR 2. CHILDREN RESPONSES B. EFFECTS amp; RESULTS 1. NEGATIVE EFFECTS a. Behavior ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children978 Words   |  4 PagesTelevision has become one of the most, if not the most, used form of entertainment for all ages. Every TV show has some kind of age limit whether it’s rated G or R, it’s not always easy for parents to moderate what their children are watching. Young children are very moldable, not only by the people around them, but what is on TV. I have conducted an experiment to see how much violence and aggression are in everyday television shows that children are likely to watch. I have watched three differentRead MoreThe Effects of Television Violence on Children Essay1338 Words   |  6 Pages Thesis Statement: Unsupervised children who watch violence on television exhibit violence in their everyday lives and develop into aggressive adults. â€Å"Research shows that television violence increases levels of aggression, fear, and desensitization among some who consume it† (Hamilton). This quotation by James Hamilton briefly summarizes the potentially negative effects of television on young minds. A child’s favorite television show can keep a child occupied while the mother preparesRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Television Violence on Children712 Words   |  3 PagesThe Effects of Television Violence on Children According to the Article ?Violence on Television? published by the American Psychological Association at the website, ?violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch those programs.? Thats the word from a 1982 report by the National Institute of Mental Health, a report that confirmed and extended an earlier study done by the Surgeon General. As a result of

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